+255 657 613 151



(1) Lack of suffient funds, the organization run by using small contribution of $10 per day from foreign volunteers and crowd fundraising for a specific goal.

(2) Inefficient educator's knowledge, our nursery school teachers are more likely volunteers teachers, since we can not afford a well educated teachers to work at our day care centre we have to ask for the teachers to be a volunteers teachers who can receive a barely low wages of around $90 to $120 a month.

(3) Lack of enough space for the extension of the school facilities. The area where the school and organization located is very tiny for the future expansion of the project.

(4) Lack of human personnel, at some cases, we need the support of literacy personnel like lawyer ,nurse, and psychologist to work with us under the environment of child abusive.

(5) Lack of awareness among the community, more effort needed to be emphasized to encourage the community.

(6) Poor working techonology and lack of learning facilities.